Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 6: Great Wall

I keep telling our team, it's always first class when you hang out with me. Today we heading towards the Great Wall and all was good...the weather was cool, the sky was light, the team was healthy. When we got to the wall, I noticed all the vendors putting up tarps. So thinking they may know something, I purchased a bunch of umbrellas and we started up the hill. It wAs lightly raining by the time we got to the top, pouring by the time we got back to the bottom, and torrential downpours by the time Deb slipped and fell in the bathroom there, (she's ok, but sore), and monssonal by the time we got back to the hotel. After a brief stop at the hotel, 14 of us went shopping and just returned to hear about how lots of the city is shut down.

Tomorrow Hannah and I are speaking at the church, then Tiananmen Square, then hopefully the acrobats and then eating scorpions.

Thanks for all your support, we are fine with occasional floods and outbursts.

We promised a bunch of pictures for you and here they are from the last two days. . . . wet hair and all . . . . . 

WARNING:  lots of smiles ahead

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